
外婆的澎湖灣 (Granny's Penghu Bay , With English Lyrics)

作詞:葉佳修 作曲:葉佳修

晚風輕拂澎湖灣 白浪逐沙灘
Mild wind in Penghu Bay, waves're heating on the beach
沒有椰林綴斜陽 只是一片海藍藍
There are nothing as decorations, but a blue blue sky and sea
坐在門前的矮牆上 一遍遍懷想
Thinking of the childhood stories in front of my door
也是黃昏的沙灘上 有著腳印兩對半
There are two and a half footprints on the beach in the evening
That's my granny leaning on clutches and holding my hand
踩著薄暮 走向餘暉 暖暖的澎湖灣
Walking to the twilight in the attractive Penghu Bay
一個腳印是笑語一串 消磨許多時光
One footprint is accompanied by laughters and joyousness
Til' the end of sunset we are on the way back home
澎湖灣 澎湖灣 外婆的澎湖灣
Penghu Bay..Penghu Bay.. My granny's Penghu Bay
There're lots of my childhood memories
陽光 沙灘 海浪 仙人掌
Sunshine , beaches , waves , and cactus
And an old captain by the sea

( 版權所有,如欲轉載,下方意見欄先作告知,謝謝 , 翻譯 CLPRO (香港) )

2 則留言:

Unknown 說...

哈囉,想請問一下是否能夠借用你的英文翻譯放在TMTA (Taiwanese musical theater of artists) 的影片上?

Unknown 說...
